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Did You Know About Tree Removal Permits?

    tree removal Florida law

    At BobMar Lawn & Tree Services in Miami, we know all about the tree removal Florida law, and we can make the process easy for you. Because we work with landscaping all the time, we know what it takes to get a tree removal permit and we can help with the corresponding paperwork to ensure a smooth and easy process. We want to make the removal of trees on your property as simple and as easy for you as possible. To learn more about the tree removal Miami trusts, contact us at BobMar Lawn & Tree Services.

    Do You Have a Tree Removal Miami?

    Trees are not always a blessing. Sometimes, a tree may cause damage to a home’s roof if it is positioned too closely to the house. Other times, the tree may be in danger of collapse, which can put everyone in danger if a storm were to blow through. Then there are, of course, the trees that bring unwanted pests far too close–and into–the home. In those instances, it can seem necessary to remove the tree in order to avoid disaster down the line.

    However, before you take a chainsaw to your backyard, it is important to know what the law says about removing trees in your area. If you live in Miami, you cannot simply cut down the tree that is causing issues; you have to go through the government in order to get a permit so that you can have it removed.

    Tree Removal Florida Law

    Trees are an important part of every community. They not only help to increase the real estate value of any property by 15%, but they also help to cut the air conditioning cost of a home by up to 40%. Beyond that, trees are essential the environmental conservation of a community. With trees around, the air quality improves and flooding is reduced. Additionally, the beauty of any neighborhood is enhanced by the addition of trees.

    Miami-Dade County, however, suffers a unique condition. They are well below the national average when compared to similarly-sized metropolitan areas because they have lost thousands of trees to hurricanes, disease such as citrus canker, and urban development. It is because of this that preserving whatever trees are left is such an key initiative for Miami-Dade.

    In order to have a tree removed in Miami, you require a tree removal or relocation permit. This is the case for any tree in Miami-Dade County unless it is specifically exempt under the Environmental Code of Miami-Dade County.

    Need a Tree Removal Miami? Contact Us

    BobMar Lawn & Tree Services is a landscaping expert located in Miami. We understand that the tree removal Florida law can seem daunting and complicated, but that is what we are here for. We can help you go through that process so that you do not have to take on all the hard parts alone. Then, we remove the tree itself so that you have a smooth process from start to finish. If you are interested in learning more about our services or you would like to schedule a consultation with us, contact us at BobMar Lawn & Tree Services today.